The Sanatan Ashram devoted to Lord Vishnu with a design derived from the very basic foundational principle of Veda / Upanishad. Holistically following the Vedic Gurukul Concept of Guru sitting under a banyan tree sharing the divinity with Shishyas. Free flow of divine energy from the Guru to Shishyas.
Shri Vijay Raghav Mandir is located within 300 metres from Shri Ram Janmbhoomi.
Ayodhya, the Birthplace of Maryada Purshottam Shree Ram is an amazing and vibrant city of Culture and heritage. With a very strong and bright historical background, the Mythological city stands handsomely on the banks of river Sarayu. With the long-awaited Shilanyas of Ram Mandir construction, by Shri Narendra Modi Ji – Our Honorable Prime Minister on 5th Aug 2020 in the honourable presence of our young and dynamic CM Yogi Adityanath Ji, Respected Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat Ji, Our Ram Mandir Mahant Nritya Gopal Das Ji, Our Respected Governor Smt Anandiben Patel Ji and many notable and Respected dignitaries this will lay a strong foundation of Complete Sanatan Culture for all in our "Mahan and Sarvasamridha Bharat".
The Sanatan Ashram devoted to Lord Vishnu with a design derived from the very basic foundational principle of Veda / Upanishad. Holistically following the Vedic Gurukul Concept of Guru sitting under a banyan tree sharing the divinity with Shishyas. Free flow of divine energy from the Guru to Shishyas. Holistic and Soulistic intention is to create the "Sanatan Culture with Vedic methodology" of imparting education to Shishyas and Bramhacharyas so that they further become Stepping stone in imparting the Sanatan way of Complete and Holistic Living and Learning in our Country.
The external façade of the Ashram itself comprises of Lime Mud plaster with copper lookalike metal jali covering the balconies to give a balancing effect of spirituality and state of art rhythm.
We as Turnkey Consultants ( Design & Built – End to End)) believe that the divine enchanting architectural/constructional charm of Lord Vishnu comes through our very own Mother earth using her components of Soil, Plants and pockets of fresh air between the prior two. The distinguished landscape featuring a variety of colourful and aromatic plants, flowers, multiple sizes of herbs, bushes, trees with their strategic placement ensures a spiritual Non-Verbal Learning. The playful intermingling of the soft flow of scapes with hard ones creates a surreal environment of multiple sized shadows of plants and trees willfully helping an individual in the perfect balance of his/her 7 chakras.
The landscape further exits with two large stone plated Gopurams following the South Indian methodology and approach to Lord Vishnu. The façade is clean and simple with large-sized windows and openings. Ground floor starts with an Outer Semi Covered Yagna area further entering into large Satsang/Chanting hall from the left side of the main entrance. Main Spine entrance behaves as the symmetrical and rhythmic divider between the Hall and the Rooms. On the right side are the properly furnished rooms for Guests and Gurus in pursuit of higher spiritual Quests and on the left is the Satsang/Chanting hall.
First Floor comprises of Rooms on right and Dinning hall on the left and similarly, 2nd floor comprises of Rooms on the right and Dinning hall with attached Pantry on the left. The main spiral staircase separates the private Rooms from the public and movement zone comprising of Halls on three consecutive floors on the left. Customize to suite development of Interior fixture and furniture like Single bed, learning table chair, warm robe etc. The Stone Cladded outer boundary walled Gopuram as entrances create the “Paridakshina” approach to the Ashram with coloured and aromatic flowers touching the 5th sensory dimension – The Smell. The outer landscape comprises of a large dense foliage tree with quarter-circle amphitheatre, the tree has a small pedestal as the sitting of Guru with Shishyas sitting on the stepped amphitheatre.
This Project for Lord Vishnu is taken as a Turnkey one to Design and Built the Structural Grandeur of Lord Vishnu in its very own enigmatic and true form. The photo framed entrance through Gopuram frame further leading to building entrance frame itself stands as a true example of the Honor that we create to the devotees and true followers of The Vishnu himself who is the Preserver and guardian of men (Narayana), who protects the order of things (dharma) and, when necessary, who appears on earth in various incarnations or avatars to fight demons and fierce creatures and so maintain cosmic harmony.