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ARJ International "The Futuristic School" is designed with a special emphasis on the spatial layout to render creativity among learners.

The central theme of our design revolves around the idea of providing an accelerative learning environment with a good blend of comfort alongside retaining its aesthetic value; a special care is taken to highlight every aspect of its design and implementation, explicitly and other times it is reflected in subtle ways.

Thought of student engagement and holding their attention for longer time span was really challenging at first but we tried to incorporate a lot of elements like visuals, a sense of feel-good factor, sound reduction etc. that we believe are essential ingredients for pushing learning to a new level.

These days information overload and hyper-competition are making students over-stressed and simultaneously expectation from parents, teachers are bogging them down, so we devised a simplistic solution which creates a profound effect in terms of increasing learn-ability quotient. We've immersed our self completely into designing an environment that induces willingness by capturing the attention of young minds to its fullest and our planned environs act as a catalyst in allowing them to absorb assigned study materials through optimisation of teacher's support and guidance. 

Sports amenities like a basketball court and children's mini playground were deliberately built on both the sideways of school's entrance to install a beautiful and favourable impression onto children's mind that'll make them come to this place regularly and subsequently, this routine practice will transform into a habit and will prove to be a great assistance in learning.

Features like spacious lobby room for guest and parents are meant for a comfortable stay on once they’re inside the school premises. Figurative world map on the left wall is depicted to transmit a subconscious message that whole world is theirs' to thrive; similarly, a gigantic picture of a reclining robot is to illustrate the evolving world and inspires them to move ahead through the inculcation of scientific temper right from their formative period.

Other highlights involve glass-walled offices to give a modern touch and elegant look to the entire internal structural build-up. Colour scheme and patterns in classrooms are relaxing and stimulates learning abilities.

In short, this school environment is thoroughly planned with a deep focus on harnessing student's psychology by placing them in a conducive learning mode; in long run, this equips and prepares pupils for a seamless transition into the real world.

Urban Akriti
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